A Complete Rebuild
Your suspension receives the royal treatment. Traction Works dives into the fork and shock to give it what manufacturers consider a ‘125 hour’ service. This goes far beyond the basic ‘lower leg’ and ‘air can’ service that is common - instead the suspension techs fully disassemble both suspension components to ensure everything is working as it should.
Fork Service
Looking at the front end of the bike, the fork receives a full refresh. We clean the fork inside and out and install fresh dust seals and fresh oil in the lowers. Suspension techs take it a step further with the 125-hour service by opening up both the damper and air spring and give both a full rebuild, replacing wear and tear parts like seals, o-rings, glide surfaces, etc in the process.
Shock Service
Shocks also receive a complete disassembly, inspection, and service. All o-rings and dynamic seals get replaced. Any parts that have seen wear get replaced. Traction Works goes above and beyond with shock service when it comes to attention to detail.
Their version of a factory service dives deeper into the shock than most service centers (or even some manufacturer service centers) to make sure nothing gets overlooked. Service techs ensure that every aspect of the shock is in proper working order. Upon reassembly, all shocks are vacuum bled and receive a nitrogen charge.