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29-Inch Wheel (29ers)

$2,699.00 $3,599.00 25% Off
The Ripley AF is our beloved, category-defying, short-travel, singletrack-scorching Ripley - rendered in aluminum, with more aggressive geometry. All the sizzle and pop of the carbon Ripley, now available as a complete bike at a wallet friendly price. Modern Geometry, Precise Handling A trail-friendly 65.5-degree head angle and short (44mm) offset 130mm fork combined with 29” wheels makes for a super planted but still playful front end feel. A 76-degree seat tube angle puts your power directly to the pedals, while the short chainstays and pedal-friendly dw-link kinematics deliver that power without squandering a single watt. Universal Derailleur Hanger The Ripley AF UDH fea­tures a UDH (Universal Derailleur Hanger) for max­i­mum drivetrain com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and moves to a 55mm chainline. DW Link Suspension Our 15-year collaboration with Dave Weagle has yielded yet another bike with unparalleled climbing efficiency and control. Incredible snap and responsiveness are its trademarks, and a whole mess of plush, chunder-eating, downhill-crushing goodness gets thrown in for good measure. Wrap that together and you get the best suspension you’ll find anywhere. It’s that good. Long Dropper Post The Ripley AF frame is designed with clear­ance for long drop­pers in mind. Pick Your Size We use words like small, medi­um, and large to describe our siz­ing because it’s easy to under­stand, but our ultra low stan­dovers give you the abil­i­ty to size your frame based on reach and preference. 2.6" Tire Clearance We pio­neered the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion a few years ago and inspired a new crop of wider 2.4”-2.6” tires. When paired togeth­er, this com­bo can be run at ultra-low pres­sures that pro­duce elbow-drag­ging cor­ner­ing trac­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing speed. Removable ISCG-05 Mount. There if you want it, removable if you don’t. Lifetime Warranty If it’s our fault, we’ll fix it. Simple as that.
$2,700.00 - $3,599.00 $3,099.00 - $3,599.00 Up to 25% Off
What if we took everybody's favorite bike and made it a little slacker and little longer? Hell, what if we made it more progressive and coil compatible? And that's exactly what we did for the Ripmo V2S. Active ingredients include: 29" wheels, berm-defying cornering tendencies, and a love for long rides. GEOMETRY The Rip­mo and Rip­mo AF share the same steep, 76-degree seat tube angle and a rangy but not stratos­pher­ic reach, which places rid­ers cen­tral­ly over the ped­als. It makes for an effi­cient posi­tion that can go the long haul. The slack 64.9 head­tube angle and 44mm reduced-off set fork doesn't wan­der while climb­ing, and doesn't hold you back descend­ing. It works - all day up, all day down, all day in between. REVISED SWINGARM The Rip­mo V2S fea­tures a new UDH dérailleur for max­i­mum future com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and moves to a 55mm chain line. The wider chain line allows for a stiffer chainstay. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high-speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. COIL COMPATIBLE The Rip­mo V2S is com­pat­i­ble with both coil and air shocks due to a more pro­gres­sive lever­age rate. On the trail, it gives the sus­pen­sion a sup­ple feel through­out the entire­ty of the stroke, enhanc­ing trac­tion no mat­ter how deep you dig. DROPPER POST CLEARANCE Mo' drop­per, mo' bet­ter. On small frames, you can run 125 - 150mm, pend­ing your pref­er­ence and inseam length. Our short­er seat-tube lengths and low stan­dovers allow you to choose your size based on your reach preference. TIRE CLEARANCE You can run over­built, chunky tires; you can run light, big vol­ume fast tires, but what­ev­er you run, know that you're not lim­it­ed by width. BUSHINGS Tired of hit­ting "pur­chase" on anoth­er set of bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we use bush­ings where they make sense, and bear­ings where they don't. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter, stiffer, and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance free. We believe so strong­ly in them, we back them with a free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON FOR EVERYONE All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride per­for­mance - no mat­ter how much you spend. The Rip­mo weighs a svelte 6.25 lbs with a DPX2 shock and com­plete builds start at 28 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side, should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out, a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. REMOVABLE ISCG MOUNT So, you're too fast for nar­row-wide chain reten­tion on its own? Chal­lenge accept­ed. Our remov­able ISCG tabs allow shred­ders to bolt on a chain guide, while the rest of us can shave grams. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­ple-yet-ele­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. - Image is representational and may differ from build spec
$2,774.00 $3,699.00 25% Off
The Ripmo AF (Aluminum Frame) brings the award-winning performance of the carbon Ripmo to a wider, rowdier audience. It’s everything we love from the carbon Ripmo, plus a few tweaks. It’s Metal Over our long tenure from mountain biking’s awkward adolescence to its current anything-shreddy era, we’ve experimented with steel, aluminum and titanium—remember the Bow-Ti, the first superbike? We remember the metal times too, and it feels good to offer a premium ride experience to our broadening family of riders, courtesy of durable, affordable aluminum alloy. Universal Derailleur Hanger The Rip­mo AF UDH fea­tures a UDH derailleur for max­i­mum future com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and moves to a 55mm chain line. The wider chain line allows for a stiffer chainstay. Modern Geometry With a steep, 76-degree seat tube angle and a rangy but not stratospheric reach, the Ripmo AF places riders centrally and upright over the bottom bracket. It makes for an efficient position that can go the long haul without placing too much weight on its slack, 64.9-degree headtube angle. A 44mm reduced-offset fork is more surefooted on steep descents and steadies high speeds. Better up, better down. DW Link Since 2005, we’ve part­nered with sus­pen­sion guru Dave Wea­gle on the dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form. It pro­vides an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of climb­ing effi­cien­cy and down­hill per­for­mance, which has been proven repeat­ed­ly at the high­est lev­els of racing. Air & Coil Compatible The Ripmo AF is compatible with both coil and air shocks due to a more progressive leverage rate. It allows for coil’s linearity to thrive and we spec air shocks with tunes that provide pop without feeling too harsh. On the trail, it gives the suspension a supple feel throughout the entirety of the stroke, enhancing traction no matter how deep you dig. 2.6" Tire Clearance Ibis helped pio­neer the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion, which inspired the new crop of wider 2.4"-2.6" tires. When paired togeth­er, this com­bo can be run at ultra low pres­sures which results in elbow-drag­ging cor­ner­ing trac­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing straight line speed. Pick Your Size We use words like small, medi­um, and large to describe our siz­ing because it’s easy to under­stand, but our ultra low stan­dovers give you the abil­i­ty to size your frame based on reach and preference. Long Dropper Post What’s better than a dropper post? A longer one. Our frames are designed to accommodate the longest dropper posts possible. Riders over 5’8 (or 173cm) can easily run a 185mm dropper post, while folks between 5’ and 5’8 (152cm - 172cm) can use a post 125mm or longer depending on inseam length. Removable ISCG05 Mount Our optional ISCG 05 mount is there if you want it, removable if you don’t. Lifetime Warranty If it’s our fault, we’ll fix it. Simple as that.
$2,900.00 - $3,599.00 $3,599.00 Up to 19% Off
The Ripmo AF (Aluminum Frame) brings the award-winning performance of the carbon Ripmo to a wider, rowdier audience. It’s everything we love from the carbon Ripmo, plus a few tweaks. IT'S METAL Over our long tenure from moun­tain biking's awk­ward ado­les­cence to its cur­rent any­thing-shred­dy era, we've exper­i­ment­ed with steel, alu­minum and tita­ni­um—remem­ber the Bow-Ti, the first super­bike? We remem­ber the met­al times too, and it feels good to offer a pre­mi­um ride expe­ri­ence to our broad­en­ing fam­i­ly of rid­ers, cour­tesy of durable, afford­able alu­minum alloy. MODERN GEOMETRY With a steep, 76-degree seat tube angle and a rangy but not stratos­pher­ic reach, the Rip­mo AF places rid­ers cen­tral­ly and upright over the bot­tom brack­et. It makes for an effi­cient posi­tion that can go the long haul with­out plac­ing too much weight on its slack, 64.9-degree head­tube angle. A 44mm reduced-off­set fork is more sure­foot­ed on steep descents and stead­ies high speeds. Bet­ter up, bet­ter down. DW LINK Since 2005, we've part­nered with sus­pen­sion guru Dave Wea­gle on the dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form. It pro­vides an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of climb­ing effi­cien­cy and down­hill per­for­mance, which has been proven repeat­ed­ly at the high­est lev­els of racing. AIR & COIL COMPATIBLE The Rip­mo AF is com­pat­i­ble with both coil and air shocks due to a more pro­gres­sive lever­age rate. It allows for coil's lin­ear­i­ty to thrive and we spec air shocks with tunes that pro­vide pop with­out feel­ing too harsh. On the trail, it gives the sus­pen­sion a sup­ple feel through­out the entire­ty of the stroke, enhanc­ing trac­tion no mat­ter how deep you dig. 2.6" TIRE CLEARANCE Ibis helped pio­neer the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion, which inspired the new crop of wider 2.4"-2.6" tires. When paired togeth­er, this com­bo can be run at ultra-low pres­sures which results in elbow-drag­ging cor­ner­ing trac­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing straight line speed. PICK YOUR SIZE We use words like small, medi­um, and large to describe our siz­ing because it's easy to under­stand, but our ultra-low stan­dovers give you the abil­i­ty to size your frame based on reach and preference. LONG DROPPER POST What's bet­ter than a drop­per post? A longer one. Our frames are designed to accom­mo­date the longest drop­per posts pos­si­ble. Rid­ers over 5'8 (or 173cm) can eas­i­ly run a 185mm drop­per post, while folks between 5' and 5'8 (152cm-172cm) can use a post 125mm or longer depend­ing on inseam length. REMOVABLE ISCG05 MOUNT Our option­al ISCG 05 mount is there if you want it, remov­able if you don't. SEVEN YEAR WARRANTY We stand behind our prod­ucts. If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Our alu­minum frames are backed by the same 7 year war­ran­ty and excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice as our car­bon products. - Image is representational and may differ from build spec
The DV9 is back! A do-it-all carbon fiber hardtail designed to take you from the trailhead to the starting line, with a session at the pump track in between. Lighter weight, with up to date geometry, and engineered to the same exacting standards as the rest of our line, it packs a ton of performance in a more accessible price.
$2,999.00 - $3,099.00
The Ripley AF is our beloved, category-defying, short-travel, singletrack-scorching Ripley - rendered in aluminum, with more aggressive geometry. All the sizzle and pop of the carbon Ripley, now available as a complete bike at a wallet friendly price.
$2,999.00 - $3,099.00
The Ripmo AF (Aluminum Frame) brings the award-winning performance of the carbon Ripmo to a wider, rowdier audience. It’s everything we love from the carbon Ripmo, plus a few tweaks.
The Ripley AF is our beloved, category-defying, short-travel, singletrack-scorching Ripley - rendered in aluminum, with more aggressive geometry. All the sizzle and pop of the carbon Ripley, now available as a complete bike at a wallet friendly price. Modern Geometry, Precise Handling A trail-friendly 65.5-degree head angle and short (44mm) offset 130mm fork combined with 29” wheels makes for a super planted but still playful front end feel. A 76-degree seat tube angle puts your power directly to the pedals, while the short chainstays and pedal-friendly dw-link kinematics deliver that power without squandering a single watt. Universal Derailleur Hanger The Ripley AF UDH fea­tures a UDH (Universal Derailleur Hanger) for max­i­mum drivetrain com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and moves to a 55mm chainline. DW Link Suspension Our 15-year collaboration with Dave Weagle has yielded yet another bike with unparalleled climbing efficiency and control. Incredible snap and responsiveness are its trademarks, and a whole mess of plush, chunder-eating, downhill-crushing goodness gets thrown in for good measure. Wrap that together and you get the best suspension you’ll find anywhere. It’s that good. Long Dropper Post The Ripley AF frame is designed with clear­ance for long drop­pers in mind. Pick Your Size We use words like small, medi­um, and large to describe our siz­ing because it’s easy to under­stand, but our ultra low stan­dovers give you the abil­i­ty to size your frame based on reach and preference. 2.6" Tire Clearance We pio­neered the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion a few years ago and inspired a new crop of wider 2.4”-2.6” tires. When paired togeth­er, this com­bo can be run at ultra-low pres­sures that pro­duce elbow-drag­ging cor­ner­ing trac­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing speed. Removable ISCG-05 Mount. There if you want it, removable if you don’t. Lifetime Warranty If it’s our fault, we’ll fix it. Simple as that.
The Ripmo AF (Aluminum Frame) brings the award-winning performance of the carbon Ripmo to a wider, rowdier audience. It’s everything we love from the carbon Ripmo, plus a few tweaks. It’s Metal Over our long tenure from mountain biking’s awkward adolescence to its current anything-shreddy era, we’ve experimented with steel, aluminum and titanium—remember the Bow-Ti, the first superbike? We remember the metal times too, and it feels good to offer a premium ride experience to our broadening family of riders, courtesy of durable, affordable aluminum alloy. Universal Derailleur Hanger The Rip­mo AF UDH fea­tures a UDH derailleur for max­i­mum future com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and moves to a 55mm chain line. The wider chain line allows for a stiffer chainstay. Modern Geometry With a steep, 76-degree seat tube angle and a rangy but not stratospheric reach, the Ripmo AF places riders centrally and upright over the bottom bracket. It makes for an efficient position that can go the long haul without placing too much weight on its slack, 64.9-degree headtube angle. A 44mm reduced-offset fork is more surefooted on steep descents and steadies high speeds. Better up, better down. DW Link Since 2005, we’ve part­nered with sus­pen­sion guru Dave Wea­gle on the dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form. It pro­vides an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of climb­ing effi­cien­cy and down­hill per­for­mance, which has been proven repeat­ed­ly at the high­est lev­els of racing. Air & Coil Compatible The Ripmo AF is compatible with both coil and air shocks due to a more progressive leverage rate. It allows for coil’s linearity to thrive and we spec air shocks with tunes that provide pop without feeling too harsh. On the trail, it gives the suspension a supple feel throughout the entirety of the stroke, enhancing traction no matter how deep you dig. 2.6" Tire Clearance Ibis helped pio­neer the wide rim rev­o­lu­tion, which inspired the new crop of wider 2.4"-2.6" tires. When paired togeth­er, this com­bo can be run at ultra low pres­sures which results in elbow-drag­ging cor­ner­ing trac­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing straight line speed. Pick Your Size We use words like small, medi­um, and large to describe our siz­ing because it’s easy to under­stand, but our ultra low stan­dovers give you the abil­i­ty to size your frame based on reach and preference. Long Dropper Post What’s better than a dropper post? A longer one. Our frames are designed to accommodate the longest dropper posts possible. Riders over 5’8 (or 173cm) can easily run a 185mm dropper post, while folks between 5’ and 5’8 (152cm - 172cm) can use a post 125mm or longer depending on inseam length. Removable ISCG05 Mount Our optional ISCG 05 mount is there if you want it, removable if you don’t. Lifetime Warranty If it’s our fault, we’ll fix it. Simple as that.
The DV9 is back! A do-it-all carbon fiber hardtail designed to take you from the trailhead to the starting line, with a session at the pump track in between. Lighter weight, with up to date geometry, and engineered to the same exacting standards as the rest of our line, it packs a ton of performance in a more accessible price.
$3,749.00 - $3,750.00 $4,999.00 - $5,199.00 Up to 28% Off
Introducing the Exie for all. Sharing the same geometry and performance as the World Cup winning Exie USA, our newest offering is handbuilt in Vietnam. It's everything we love about our US made offering (albeit ~250g heavier) in a wallet-friendly build. SIZE SPECIFIC SEAT ANGLES Whether you're rac­ing short track or on a mul­ti day epic, the Exie's seat tube angles allow you to har­ness your strongest mus­cles, while reduc­ing any potential knee or wrist strain. We've also steep­ened the seat tube angles as the frames get larg­er, to allow rid­ers with dif­fer­ent inseams to achieve the same rid­ing positions. DW-LINK SUSPENSION Don't squan­der a sin­gle watt. Our dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form offers incred­i­ble climb­ing effi­cien­cy and trac­tion along with plush, down­hill-crush­ing goodness. RIDE MORE, WRENCH LESS We use bush­ings where it makes sense and bear­ings where it doesn't. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter, stiffer, and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance free. We've also added fea­tures like a thread­ed bot­tom brack­et to help make any future main­te­nance easy. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Inter­nal cable rout­ing doesn't have to be a pain. We've added inter­nal tubes to our tubes, no pick­sets, flash­lights, or swear words required. 2.4" TIRE CLEARANCE You can run over­built, chunky tires; you can run light, big vol­ume fast tires, but whatever you run, you're not lim­it­ed by width. 2X BOTTLE CLEARANCE The Exie has clear­ance for two water bot­tles inside the front tri­an­gle on every size frame. INTEGRATED CHAIN GUIDE Drop the ham­mer, not your chain. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
$3,750.00 $4,999.00 25% Off
Introducing the Exie for all. Sharing the same geometry and performance as the World Cup winning Exie USA, our newest offering is handbuilt in Vietnam. It's everything we love about our US made offering (albeit ~250g heavier) in a wallet-friendly build. SIZE SPECIFIC SEAT ANGLES Whether you're rac­ing short track or on a mul­ti day epic, the Exie's seat tube angles allow you to har­ness your strongest mus­cles, while reduc­ing any potential knee or wrist strain. We've also steep­ened the seat tube angles as the frames get larg­er, to allow rid­ers with dif­fer­ent inseams to achieve the same rid­ing positions. DW-LINK SUSPENSION Don't squan­der a sin­gle watt. Our dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form offers incred­i­ble climb­ing effi­cien­cy and trac­tion along with plush, down­hill-crush­ing goodness. RIDE MORE, WRENCH LESS We use bush­ings where it makes sense and bear­ings where it doesn't. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter, stiffer, and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance free. We've also added fea­tures like a thread­ed bot­tom brack­et to help make any future main­te­nance easy. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Inter­nal cable rout­ing doesn't have to be a pain. We've added inter­nal tubes to our tubes, no pick­sets, flash­lights, or swear words required. 2.4" TIRE CLEARANCE You can run over­built, chunky tires; you can run light, big vol­ume fast tires, but what­ev­er you run, you're not lim­it­ed by width. 2X BOTTLE CLEARANCE The Exie has clear­ance for two water bot­tles inside the front tri­an­gle on every size frame. INTEGRATED CHAIN GUIDE Drop the ham­mer, not your chain. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
$4,125.00 $5,499.00 25% Off
Introducing the Exie for all. Sharing the same geometry and performance as the World Cup winning Exie USA, our newest offering is handbuilt in Vietnam. It's everything we love about our US made offering (albeit ~250g heavier) in a wallet-friendly build. SIZE SPECIFIC SEAT ANGLES Whether you're rac­ing short track or on a mul­ti day epic, the Exie's seat tube angles allows you to har­ness your strongest mus­cles, while reduc­ing any potential knee or wrist strain. We've also steep­ened the seat tube angles as the frames get larg­er, to allow rid­ers with dif­fer­ent inseams to achieve the same rid­ing positions. DW-LINK SUSPENSION Don't squan­der a sin­gle watt. Our dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form offers incred­i­ble climb­ing effi­cien­cy and trac­tion along with plush, down­hill-crush­ing goodness. RIDE MORE, WRENCH LESS We use bush­ings where it makes sense and bear­ings where it doesn't. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter, stiffer, and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance free. We've also added fea­tures like a thread­ed bot­tom brack­et to help make any future main­te­nance easy. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Inter­nal cable rout­ing doesn't have to be a pain. We've added inter­nal tubes to our tubes, no pick­sets, flash­lights, or swear words required. 2.4" TIRE CLEARANCE You can run over­built, chunky tires; you can run light, big vol­ume fast tires, but whatever you run, you're not lim­it­ed by width. 2X BOTTLE CLEARANCE The Exie has clear­ance for two water bot­tles inside the front tri­an­gle on every size frame. INTEGRATED CHAIN GUIDE Drop the ham­mer, not your chain. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
$4,999.00 $4,999.00 - $5,199.00 Up to 4% Off
Meet the Ripley, your new best friend for every trail adventure. The award-winning bike has been updated with more travel and slacker geometry, making it even more capable and fun. It rivals the speed of an e-bike uphill while offering snappy, playful performance with 130mm of ultra-efficient dw-link travel. Need to stash your snacks? The Ripley now features internal frame storage for all your stuff. Plus, with expanded size ranges, everyone gets the perfect fit. Whether you’re popping wheelies or conquering climbs, the Ripley is game. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
The Ripmo isn't just a bike; it's a legend. With multiple "Best in Test" awards and years of high level competition at the notoriously brutal Enduro World Series, it’s the ultimate trail-slaying machine. How do you improve on that? The Ripmo is loaded with new features: internal downtube storage, a flip chip for mixed wheels, a slacker head angle, and increased coil compatibility. We've also expanded our sizing options and added size-specific details—right down to the bottom bracket height. Wheel size: Sizes Small – Medium: 29-inch front / 27.5-inch rear Sizes X-Medium – X-Large: 29-inch *Specs may vary from image displayed*
The HD6 is the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
The HD6 is the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
Introducing the HD6, the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
Introducing the Exie for all. Sharing the same geometry and performance as the World Cup winning Exie USA, our newest offering is handbuilt in Vietnam. It’s everything we love about our US made offering (albeit ~250g heavier) in a wallet-friendly build. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
Meet the Ripley, your new best friend for every trail adventure. The award-winning bike has been updated with more travel and slacker geometry, making it even more capable and fun. It rivals the speed of an e-bike uphill while offering snappy, playful performance with 130mm of ultra-efficient dw-link travel. Need to stash your snacks? The Ripley now features internal frame storage for all your stuff. Plus, with expanded size ranges, everyone gets the perfect fit. Whether you’re popping wheelies or conquering climbs, the Ripley is game. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
The Ripmo isn't just a bike; it's a legend. With multiple "Best in Test" awards and years of high level competition at the notoriously brutal Enduro World Series, it’s the ultimate trail-slaying machine. How do you improve on that? The Ripmo is loaded with new features: internal downtube storage, a flip chip for mixed wheels, a slacker head angle, and increased coil compatibility. We've also expanded our sizing options and added size-specific details—right down to the bottom bracket height. Wheel size: Sizes Small – Medium: 29-inch front / 27.5-inch rear Sizes X-Medium – X-Large: 29-inch *Specs may vary from image displayed*
$6,999.00 $7,999.00 13% Off
The Exie USA is a World-Cup capable cross-country race bike that flat out shreds. With a sub 2,000g frame weight and dw-link suspension, it offers a stunning combination of pedaling efficiency and downhill performance. We designed, built, and test­ed it in our Santa Cruz factory, which is pow­ered by the warm Cal­i­for­nia sunshine. Whether you’re rac­ing short track or on a mul­ti day epic, the Exie’s seat tube angles allows you to har­ness your strongest mus­cles, while reduc­ing any poten­tial knee or wrist strain. We’ve also steep­ened the seat tube angles as the frames get larg­er, to allow rid­ers with dif­fer­ent inseams to achieve the same rid­ing positions. Don’t squan­der a sin­gle watt. Our dw-link sus­pen­sion plat­form offers incred­i­ble climb­ing effi­cien­cy and trac­tion along with plush, down­hill-crush­ing goodness. We use bush­ings where it makes sense and bear­ings where it doesn’t. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are lighter, stiffer, and vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance free. We’ve also added fea­tures like a thread­ed bot­tom brack­et to help make any future main­te­nance easy. Inter­nal cable rout­ing doesn’t have to be a pain. We’ve added inter­nal tubes to our tubes, no pick­sets, flash­lights, or swear words required. The Exie USA has clear­ance for two water bot­tles inside the front tri­an­gle on every size frame.
The HD6 is the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
Introducing the HD6, the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one-degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out, a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
The HD6 is the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
Introducing the Exie for all. Sharing the same geometry and performance as the World Cup winning Exie USA, our newest offering is handbuilt in Vietnam. It’s everything we love about our US made offering (albeit ~250g heavier) in a wallet-friendly build. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
Meet the Ripley, your new best friend for every trail adventure. The award-winning bike has been updated with more travel and slacker geometry, making it even more capable and fun. It rivals the speed of an e-bike uphill while offering snappy, playful performance with 130mm of ultra-efficient dw-link travel. Need to stash your snacks? The Ripley now features internal frame storage for all your stuff. Plus, with expanded size ranges, everyone gets the perfect fit. Whether you’re popping wheelies or conquering climbs, the Ripley is game. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
Introducing the Exie for all. Sharing the same geometry and performance as the World Cup winning Exie USA, our newest offering is handbuilt in Vietnam. It’s everything we love about our US made offering (albeit ~250g heavier) in a wallet-friendly build. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
Meet the Ripley, your new best friend for every trail adventure. The award-winning bike has been updated with more travel and slacker geometry, making it even more capable and fun. It rivals the speed of an e-bike uphill while offering snappy, playful performance with 130mm of ultra-efficient dw-link travel. Need to stash your snacks? The Ripley now features internal frame storage for all your stuff. Plus, with expanded size ranges, everyone gets the perfect fit. Whether you’re popping wheelies or conquering climbs, the Ripley is game. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
The HD6 is the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
The HD6 is the evolution of one of the most successful enduro bikes in history. Designed with input from our Enduro World Cup team and building upon our award-winning Ripmo and HD lines, the HD6 features increased travel, a completely redesigned suspension layout, and mixed wheels. GEOMETRY The 29" front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, whereas the 27.5" rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64-degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5" rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability. FIVE SIZES In order to place every size rid­er in the same position over the rear wheel, the HD's seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increases. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larger jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encourage rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements. COIL COMPATIBLE Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance. DW-LINK The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it's still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don't need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree. TRACTION TUNE Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. BUSHINGS Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That's why we've strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they're most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they're vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strongly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement. LIGHTWEIGHT PREMIUM CARBON All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride performance, no matter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs without shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs. INTERNAL CABLE ROUTING Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out a beau­ti­ful moment indeed. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful. LIFETIME WARRANTY If it's our fault, we'll fix it. Sim­ple as that.
Introducing the Exie for all. Sharing the same geometry and performance as the World Cup winning Exie USA, our newest offering is handbuilt in Vietnam. It’s everything we love about our US made offering (albeit ~250g heavier) in a wallet-friendly build. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
Meet the Ripley, your new best friend for every trail adventure. The award-winning bike has been updated with more travel and slacker geometry, making it even more capable and fun. It rivals the speed of an e-bike uphill while offering snappy, playful performance with 130mm of ultra-efficient dw-link travel. Need to stash your snacks? The Ripley now features internal frame storage for all your stuff. Plus, with expanded size ranges, everyone gets the perfect fit. Whether you’re popping wheelies or conquering climbs, the Ripley is game. *Specs may vary from image displayed*
The Ripmo isn't just a bike; it's a legend. With multiple "Best in Test" awards and years of high level competition at the notoriously brutal Enduro World Series, it’s the ultimate trail-slaying machine. How do you improve on that? The Ripmo is loaded with new features: internal downtube storage, a flip chip for mixed wheels, a slacker head angle, and increased coil compatibility. We've also expanded our sizing options and added size-specific details—right down to the bottom bracket height. Wheel size: Sizes Small – Medium: 29-inch front / 27.5-inch rear Sizes X-Medium – X-Large: 29-inch *Specs may vary from image displayed*
The perfect mountain bike for anyone just getting started. A low standover top tube design, modern trail geometry, and short stays make this a solid bike for anyone when heading out on your favorite trails. Details: - Durable and stable for a sturdy ride you can trust. - A smooth, refined look. - Supportive, progressive design for uncompromised performance. - Premium frame features. - Frame sizes to accommodate all rider sizes. - Multiple model options. - No Other Way Limited Lifetime Warranty. Wheel Sizing: - Small: 27.5-inch - Medium - XX-Large: 29-inch
The perfect mountain bike for anyone just getting started. A low standover top tube design, modern trail geometry, and short stays make this a solid bike for anyone when heading out on your favourite trails. Details: - Durable and stable for a sturdy ride you can trust. - A smooth, refined look. - Supportive, progressive design for uncompromised performance. - Premium frame features. - Frame sizes to accommodate all rider sizes. - Multiple model options. - No Other Way Limited Lifetime Warranty. Wheel Sizing: - Small: 27.5-inch - Medium - X-Large: 29-inch
The Torrent's modern features and new progressive All-Mountain design provide stable, agile descending, paired with climbing capability that would make a mountain goat jealous – perfect for any rider looking to bring their trail riding to the next level without the extra expense and complexity of rear suspension, and a new challenge for advanced riders trying to keep themselves honest. - New 29" 6061 DB Aluminum Torrent Frame - Progressive All Mountain Hardtail Geometry - Geo based around 150mm short offset 29" fork - Gravity Tune with short responsive chainstays - Slack 64 degree head angle RIDER BENEFITS: - PROGRESSIVE DESIGN: The Torrent uses Norco's holistic approach to fit and geometry to create the ultimate all-mountain hardtail experience. The unique combination of our next generation of Gravity Tune, longer reach, slacker head tube angle and steep seat tube angle provides a more forward weight distribution within a longer wheelbase. This allows more powerful pedaling, increased climbing traction and added grip and control when descending so you can confidently attack the rowdiest trails. - EQUIPPED TO DESCEND: To support riders through the lunacy that the Torrent's inspires, each bike is equipped with 4-piston disc brakes, shorter seat tubes, long-stroke dropper posts and aggressive knobby 29er tires. - BURLY METAL FRAME: For 2021, we decided to offer the Torrent in both steel and highly-engineered aluminum to give you some options for when you're fully committed to a burly line that you're fairly confident you can pull off. Steel has a reputation for being tough and compliant, and when it's engineered right, aluminum does, too.
$1,879.00 - $2,449.00 $2,449.00 Up to 23% Off
The Torrent's modern features and new progressive All-Mountain design provide stable, agile descending, paired with climbing capability that would make a mountain goat jealous – perfect for any rider looking to bring their trail riding to the next level without the extra expense and complexity of rear suspension, and a new challenge for advanced riders trying to keep themselves honest. - New 29" 6061 DB Aluminum Torrent Frame - Progressive All Mountain Hardtail Geometry - Geo based around 150mm short offset 29" fork - Gravity Tune with short responsive chainstays - Slack 64 degree head angle RIDER BENEFITS: - PROGRESSIVE DESIGN: The Torrent uses Norco's holistic approach to fit and geometry to create the ultimate all-mountain hardtail experience. The unique combination of our next generation of Gravity Tune, longer reach, slacker head tube angle and steep seat tube angle provides a more forward weight distribution within a longer wheelbase. This allows more powerful pedaling, increased climbing traction and added grip and control when descending so you can confidently attack the rowdiest trails. - EQUIPPED TO DESCEND: To support riders through the lunacy that the Torrent's inspires, each bike is equipped with 4-piston disc brakes, shorter seat tubes, long-stroke dropper posts and aggressive knobby 29er tires. - BURLY METAL FRAME: For 2021, we decided to offer the Torrent in both steel and highly-engineered aluminum to give you some options for when you're fully committed to a burly line that you're fairly confident you can pull off. Steel has a reputation for being tough and compliant, and when it's engineered right, aluminum does, too.
The Revolver HT is the pinnacle of modern XC hardtail performance. Its high modulus carbon fiber frame is engineered to make the most of every Watt stomped through its pedals, with a progressive design that reduces fatigue, and provides attack-style handling on descents. If you're looking to win races – whether organized or deep within the part of your mind that you don't talk about at parties - the Revolver HT is what you're looking for. - Revolver Carbon XC frame with 100mm or 120mm fork options - Updated progressive XC geometry - Gravity Tune - 148mm Boost rear end - Tubeless ready with Stan's tape, valves and sealant - X-Fusion RC32 Air 120mm Fork - Shimano Deore 11 Speed Drivetrain RIDER BENEFITS: - RIDE ALIGNED: The Revolver HT uses Norco's Ride Aligned design system which matches each individual bike to the human who rides it, creating a customized platform that is both stable and balanced, allowing the rider to push harder. Using individual rider metrics, optimized geometry and fit and proprietary app technology, you'll align with your ride experience like never before. - LIGHTWEIGHT, STIFF & FAST: The Carbon fiber frame comes in four sizes, weighs in at a scant 1100g with paint (Size M). - MASSIVE CLEARANCE: Boost axle spacing provides gobs of clearance for 29x2.35 tires, so it's not just XC-Race compliant – it'll also rip on the trails to get every mile in that you can before sundown. - ONE-BY SPECIFIC: It's a harsh reality for luddites, but the front derailleur is a thing of the past for XC racers. The Revolver HT is a finely tuned machine, and we've eliminated all the extra fluff to make it the fastest it can be – and part of that is ditching the possibility of running a front derailleur. - RACE CALIBER, TRAIL WORTHY: Revolver HT is spec'd for XC with a lightweight 120mm fork, and also suits the needs of the performance trail rider with a dropper posts and 2.35" tires.
The Norco Fluid FS A2 is built to tackle whatever trail leads to becoming the rider you want to be. Named Pinkbike’s Value Bike of the Year, Vital MTB’s Bike of the Year, and most recently, Bicycling Magazine’s Best Value Trail Bike. GET EVERYTHING OUT OF THE TRAIL THAT YOU PUT INTO IT The Fluid FS A1's 130mm travel is precision engineered, pairing custom tuned suspension components with 140mm fork travel and boutique level fit & finish for maximum Trail performance & potential. DETAILS - Top-tier design and features over-deliver as skills evolve. - High performance, tunable suspension. - Long-travel droppers and generous standover. - Refined design and expanded size range. - Ride Aligned™ Design System & personalized setup.
The Norco Fluid FS A1 is built to tackle whatever trail leads to becoming the rider you want to be. Named Pinkbike’s Value Bike of the Year, Vital MTB’s Bike of the Year, and most recently, Bicycling Magazine’s Best Value Trail Bike. GET EVERYTHING OUT OF THE TRAIL THAT YOU PUT INTO IT The Fluid FS A1's 130mm travel is precision engineered, pairing custom tuned suspension components with 140mm fork travel and boutique level fit & finish for maximum Trail performance & potential. DETAILS - Top-tier design and features over-deliver as skills evolve. - High performance, tunable suspension. - Long-travel droppers and generous standover. - Refined design and expanded size range. - Ride Aligned™ Design System & personalized setup.
The Optic 2 SRAM is an aggressive short-travel sled that rips on descents and can get back to the top without a gondola. The Optic C2 SRAM sharpens your view on high speed trails. The precision suspension kinematics and custom DH spec shock creates 125mm of rear travel, matched with a gravity-eating 140mm fork for the control you need to keep your mind on the trail ahead. Reason's It's Rad - Fast never felt this fun. - Designed to work so you can play. - Components selected with speed on the brain. - Matching each Optic to the human who rides it.
$3,799.00 - $4,499.00 $4,499.00 Up to 16% Off
The Norco Fluid FS A1 is built to tackle whatever trail leads to becoming the rider you want to be. Named Pinkbike’s Value Bike of the Year, Vital MTB’s Bike of the Year, and most recently, Bicycling Magazine’s Best Value Trail Bike. GET EVERYTHING OUT OF THE TRAIL THAT YOU PUT INTO IT The Fluid FS A1's 130mm travel is precision engineered, pairing custom tuned suspension components with 140mm fork travel and boutique level fit & finish for maximum Trail performance & potential. DETAILS - Top-tier design and features over-deliver as skills evolve. - High performance, tunable suspension. - Long-travel droppers and generous standover. - Refined design and expanded size range. - Ride Aligned™ Design System & personalized setup.
Lighten Up Everything Fluid FS, Now in Carbon Upping the ante on everybody's favorite Trail rig, the Fluid FS Carbon features a 600g lighter main triangle with all the strength and fine-tuned potential that experienced or evolving riders need. Right now, and down the trail, too. - Fluid FS Carbon - Intended Use: Trail - Frame Material: Carbon Main, 6061 Alu Stays - Frame / Wheel Size: S, M, L, XL / 29" - Suspension Travel – F: 140mm R: 130mm - Suspension Platform: Horst Link - Tire Size: 2.35" – 2.6" Additional Features - Ride-Aligned Design System - Long Travel Dropper Posts (Up To 200mm) - Low Standover - Custom Tuned Rear Shock - Integrated Accessory Mount Hero-Thread the Needle Intuitive, precision handling to pick the perfect line. - Fluid's geometry, suspension kinematics and precision setup have achieved near-legendary status – so why mess with a success? Fluid Carbon delivers the goods on all types of trails with a little less junk in the trunk. Hero-Pushing the Envelope Design & features that'll continue to impress as skills progress. - Refining the ride and dropping 600 grams from a Trail frame benefits everyone – but only if it's up to the task. The Fluid Carbon aced every test we subjected it to-in the lab, and on the trail. Hero-Custom Tuned Suspension Sophisticated suspension components for precision performance. - Precision-engineered 130mm rear suspension features custom-tuned damping co-developed with shock manufacturers to provide a fully customized suspension setup and performance. Hero-Room to Move Long-travel droppers and generous standover get you through the rough stuff. - Long-travel, size-specific 34.9mm dropper posts, and low-slung top tubes create lots of room to move, letting you roll confidently through challenging terrain. Hero-You Ask, Fluid Answers Refined design for ultimate Trail performance. - With balanced, progressive geometry, kinematics, and superior pedal efficiency, Fluid FS Carbon tackles technical terrain with confidence, and attacks high-speed pedaling sections with a big ol' grin. Hero-Ride Aligned Perfect fit, dialed handling, and personalized setup in minutes. - The Ride Aligned Design System matches each Fluid FS Carbon to the human who rides it. Rider-first geometry and suspension kinematics are precision tuned in minutes with the Ride Aligned Bike Setup Guide.
The Sight C3 boosts your All-Mountain confidence with incredible descending capability, adept, sure-footed climbing, and efficient pedaling. To make the Sight Carbon, we had to re-think how you connect with the trail. With maximum front and rear wheel grip on climbs and descents, Sight C3 maintains momentum and cadence in technical situations and allows the suspension to move freely without absorbing drivetrain energy. Reasons It's Rad: - Precise tune and fit perfects every ride. - Max standover with long travel dropper posts. - Sweating the little stuff makes the ride better. - Four piston brakes with 200/180mm rotors. - Features the Ride Aligned Design System. Wheel size: Sizes Small – X-Large: 27.5-inch or 29-inch
The Sight 160 is next level - big travel, big spec, and ready for big mountain riding. Whether you're out racing an enduro or love going fast on technical trails, this is your bike to blow through the chunder. Inspired by the gnarliest trails in the backwoods of BC, built for riders living in areas where the terrain demands more out of the bike they ride. New Technology: Sight 160 is an all-round beefier build to handle everything you throw down. We've stepped up on spec to help you handle more; a 35mm rise bar, big name brakes with metallic pads, Double Down rear tire casing, and coil rear shock with Sprindex spring to ride hard. All Sight models also now include the OneUp EDC lite tool to have you covered on the trail. Geometry: With stabilized rear centres and seat tube angles varied by frame size to ensure consistent rider weight distribution and shorter seat tubes with long dropper posts keep the saddle out of the way on technical descents the Sight is known for, the Sight 160 features a slacker headtube angle and a slightly taller bottom bracket than our standard Sight geometry to accommodate all the G's you push and obstacles you roll. Suspension: Bigger, steeper, better, badder - we've taken the confidence-inspiring stability of a Sight and made it more. Supported up front with a 170mm fork and in the rear with a longer 65mm stroke shock for 160mm; giving the Sight all you need for attacking tech and rougher, BC-inspired trails. - RockShox Zeb Select + fork - RockShox Vivid Coil Select + shock - Shimano Deore RD-M6100 drivetrain - TRP Trail EVO 4-Piston brakes - Co-molded frame protection - Proprietary chainguide and idler design - OneUp EDC tool - Weight (S3): 17.8 kg / 39.2 lbs
The Sight C2 boosts your All-Mountain confidence with incredible descending capability, adept, sure-footed climbing, and efficient pedaling. To make the Sight Carbon, we had to re-think how you connect with the trail. With maximum front and rear wheel grip on climbs and descents, Sight C2 maintains momentum and cadence in technical situations and allows the suspension to move freely without absorbing drivetrain energy. Reasons It's Rad: - Precise tune and fit perfects every ride. - Max standover with long travel dropper posts. - Sweating the little stuff makes the ride better. - Four piston brakes with 200/180mm rotors. - Features the Ride Aligned Design System. Wheel size: Sizes Small – X-Large: 27.5-inch or 29-inch
Precision tracking in the rough, superior climbing efficiency, and a completely new angle on suspension make the Range C2 the fastest bike in Enduro—and your ultimate Big Mountain companion. With 170mm of suspension travel front & rear and precision handling, the Range C2 makes the speed feel easy, helps maintain momentum on rough descents, and makes the most of every pedal stroke.
Whether you're carving down a steep loam line, dropping in for an enduro stage, or heading into the backcountry for an all-day epic, this bike performs. With increased rearward axle path, idler, and the innovative VPSHP suspension layout, this new design gives the Sight next level confidence and capability, up or down the mountain. With 160/150mm of travel, the 2024 Sight takes the best of the Range Platform and has tighten it up into a light, pedal friendly, maneuverable, high-pivot package. Available with a 27.5" rear wheel (MX), as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with Norco’s the "Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheel size that suits you best while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - Carbon Frame & SS, Alloy CS, 150mm Travel - UDH, Eagle Transmission Compatible, Ride Aligned™ - Norco design kinematic, High pivot Horst Link and non-concentric idler. - 29"/27.5" (with option to change to 29") with no compromise geometry and kinematics - RockShox Lyrik Select, 160mm Travel, 44mm offset - RockShox Vivid 2 Select+ Air, 205x60mm TR - Shimano Deore RD-M6100, 12sp
Whether you're carving down a steep loam line, dropping in for an enduro stage, or heading into the backcountry for an all-day epic, this bike performs. With increased rearward axle path, idler, and the innovative VPSHP suspension layout, this new design gives the Sight next level confidence and capability, up or down the mountain. With 160/150mm of travel, the 2024 Sight takes the best of the Range Platform and has tighten it up into a light, pedal friendly, maneuverable, high-pivot package. Available with a 27.5" rear wheel (MX), as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with the "Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheelsize that suits you best while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - 29" with the option to change to 29"/27.5" with no compromise geometry and kinematics. - RockShox select suspension. - Co-molded frame protection. - Weight (S3): 15.7 kg / 34.6 lbs - Ride AlignedTM – Perfect fit, dialed handling and personalized setup in minutes. - No Other Way Limited Lifetime Warranty
With 140mm/125mm of travel, the Optic condenses years of technology from long travel bikes into a lightweight package that’s as comfortable tearing up climbs as it is tackling challenging descents. The VPSHP suspension layout provides increased rearward axle path and an idler to manage pedal feedback, keeping Optic’s playful roots, while punching above its weight when the trails get rough. GEOMETRY Coming in five frame sizes (1,2,3,4,5) to support rider heights up to 6’5" (196cm), allows you to choose the frame size that best fits your body and riding preferences. Rear centres and seat tube angles are varied by frame size to ensure consistent rider weight distribution, and short seat tubes with long dropper posts keep the saddle out of the way on technical descents. WHEELS: Available with a 27.5" rear wheel, as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with the “Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheelsize that suits you best, while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup.
The Sight 160 is next level - big travel, big spec, and ready for big mountain riding. Whether you're out racing an enduro or love going fast on technical trails, this is your bike to blow through the chunder. Inspired by the gnarliest trails in the backwoods of BC, built for riders living in areas where the terrain demands more out of the bike they ride. Sight 160 is an all-round beefier build to handle everything you throw down. We've stepped up on spec to help you handle more; a 35mm rise bar, big name brakes with metallic pads, Double Down rear tire casing, and coil rear shock with Sprindex spring to ride hard. All Sight models also now include the OneUp EDC lite tool to have you covered on the trail. Geometry: With stabilized rear centres and seat tube angles varied by frame size to ensure consistent rider weight distribution and shorter seat tubes with long dropper posts keep the saddle out of the way on technical descents the Sight is known for, the Sight 160 features a slacker headtube angle and a slightly taller bottom bracket than our standard Sight geometry to accommodate all the G's you push and obstacles you roll. Suspension: Bigger, steeper, better, badder - we've taken the confidence-inspiring stability of a Sight and made it more. Supported up front with a 170mm fork and in the rear with a longer 65mm stroke shock for 160mm; giving the Sight all you need for attacking tech and rougher, BC-inspired trails. - Sight 160 Aluminum Frame - RockShox Zeb Ultimate Charger 3.1 fork - RockShox Vivid Coil Ultimate shock - SRAM S1000 Eagle AXS T-Type drivetrain - SRAM Maven Silver brakes + Co-molded frame protection - Proprietary chainguide and idler design - OneUp EDC tool + Weight (S3): 17.5 kg / 38.6 lbs
Whether you're carving down a steep loam line, dropping in for an enduro stage, or heading into the backcountry for an all-day epic, this bike performs. With increased rearward axle path, idler, and the innovative VPSHP suspension layout, this new design gives the Sight next level confidence and capability, up or down the mountain. With 160/150mm of travel, the 2024 Sight takes the best of the Range Platform and has tighten it up into a light, pedal friendly, maneuverable, high-pivot package. Available with a 27.5" rear wheel (MX), as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with Norco’s the "Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheelsize that suits you best while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - Carbon Frame & SS, Alloy CS, 150mm Travel - UDH, Eagle Transmission Compatible, Ride Aligned™ - Norco design kinematic, High pivot Horst Link and non-concentric idler. - 29"/27.5" (with option to change to 29") with no compromise geometry and kinematics - Rockshox Lyric Ultimate 160mm Travel, 44mm offset, Fender Included - Shimano XT M8100, 12sp
With 140mm/125mm of travel, the Optic condenses years of technology from long travel bikes into a lightweight package that’s as comfortable tearing up climbs as it is tackling challenging descents. The VPSHP suspension layout provides increased rearward axle path and an idler to manage pedal feedback, keeping Optic’s playful roots, while punching above its weight when the trails get rough. GEOMETRY Coming in five frame sizes (1,2,3,4,5) to support rider heights up to 6’5" (196cm), allows you to choose the frame size that best fits your body and riding preferences. Rear centres and seat tube angles are varied by frame size to ensure consistent rider weight distribution, and short seat tubes with long dropper posts keep the saddle out of the way on technical descents. WHEELS: Available with a 27.5" rear wheel, as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with the “Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheelsize that suits you best, while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - Optic Carbon Frame & Alloy Rear Triangle - RockShox Pike Select+ fork - RockShox Super Deluxe Select+ shock - SRAM GX Eagle AXS T-Type - Co-molded frame protection - Proprietary chainguide and idler design - OneUp EDC tool + Weight (S3): 15.0 kg / 33.1 lbs
Whether you're ripping fast flowy singletrack, putting the power down on punchy climbs, or tearing the tires off in the corners, the Optic continues to push the boundaries of what's possible on a short travel trail bike. The new Optic with 140mm/125mm of travel condenses years of technology from our long travel bikes into a lightweight package that's as ready to tear up climbs as it is tackling challenging descents. The VPSHP suspension layout provides increased rearward axle path and an idler to manage pedal feedback, keeping Optic's playful roots, while punching above its weight when the trails get rough. Available with a 27.5" rear wheel (MX), as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with the "Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheelsize that suits you best, while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - Carbon front triangle, seatstay and chainstay, 125mm of travel, threaded BB. - Ride Aligned with Norco design kinematic, High pivot Horst Link and non-concentric idler. - 29" (with the option to change to 29"/27.5") with no compromise geometry and kinematics. - SRAM GX Eagle AXS T-Type Transmission. - Weight (S3): 15 kg / 33.1 lbs - Fox Performance Elite Float X custom tune rear shock. - Ride AlignedTM – Perfect fit, dialed handling and personalized setup in minutes. - No Other Way Limited Lifetime Warranty Optic’s durable frame design, hardware and component decisions have been made specifically to keep the Optic on the trail for longer. Accidents can happen, and when they do, Norco’s No Other Way Limited Lifetime Guarantee is our promise to get you back on the trail as soon as possible. Check out our new warranty on
With 140mm/125mm of travel, the Optic condenses years of technology from long travel bikes into a lightweight package that’s as comfortable tearing up climbs as it is tackling challenging descents. The VPSHP suspension layout provides increased rearward axle path and an idler to manage pedal feedback, keeping Optic’s playful roots, while punching above its weight when the trails get rough. GEOMETRY Coming in five frame sizes (1,2,3,4,5) to support rider heights up to 6’5" (196cm), allows you to choose the frame size that best fits your body and riding preferences. Rear centres and seat tube angles are varied by frame size to ensure consistent rider weight distribution, and short seat tubes with long dropper posts keep the saddle out of the way on technical descents. WHEELS: Available with a 27.5" rear wheel, as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with the “Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheelsize that suits you best, while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - Optic Carbon Frame - Fox 34 Performance Elite Float Grip X2 fork - Fox Float X2 Performance Elite shock - SRAM GX Eagle AXS T-Type - Co-molded frame protection - Proprietary chainguide and idler design - OneUp EDC toOL - Weight (S3): 15.5 kg / 34.1 lbs
$7,699.00 - $7,999.00
Whether you're carving down a steep loam line, dropping in for an enduro stage, or heading into the backcountry for an all-day epic, this bike performs. With increased rearward axle path, idler, and the innovative VPSHP suspension layout, this new design gives the Sight next level confidence and capability, up or down the mountain. With 160/150mm of travel, the 2024 Sight takes the best of the Range Platform and has tighten it up into a light, pedal friendly, maneuverable, high-pivot package. Available with a 27.5" rear wheel (MX), as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with Norco’s the "Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheel size that suits you best while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - Carbon Frame & SS, Alloy CS, 150mm Travel - UDH, Eagle Transmission Compatible, Ride Aligned™ - Norco design kinematic, High pivot Horst Link, and non-concentric idler. - 29" (with option to change to 29"/27.5") with no compromise geometry and kinematics. - Fox 36 Factory Grip X2 160mm, 44mm Offset, Fender Included - SRAM GX Eagle AXS T-Type Transmission, 12sp
With 140mm/125mm of travel, the Optic condenses years of technology from long travel bikes into a lightweight package that’s as comfortable tearing up climbs as it is tackling challenging descents. The VPSHP suspension layout provides increased rearward axle path and an idler to manage pedal feedback, keeping Optic’s playful roots, while punching above its weight when the trails get rough. GEOMETRY Coming in five frame sizes (1,2,3,4,5) to support rider heights up to 6’5" (196cm), allows you to choose the frame size that best fits your body and riding preferences. Rear centres and seat tube angles are varied by frame size to ensure consistent rider weight distribution, and short seat tubes with long dropper posts keep the saddle out of the way on technical descents. WHEELS: Available with a 27.5" rear wheel, as well as 29" in some markets. Swapping the linkarm and lower shock mount with the “Missing Link Kit" converts between 27.5" and 29" to let you pick the wheelsize that suits you best, while maintaining geometry and kinematics to ensure consistent fit and bike setup. - Optic Carbon Frame & Alloy Rear Triangle - Fox 34 Factory Float, Grip X2 fork - Fox Float X Factory shock - SRAM XO Eagle AXS T-Type - Co-molded frame protection - Proprietary chainguide and idler design - OneUp EDC tool - Weight (S3): 14.7 kg / 32.4 lbs
$6,999.00 $10,172.00 31% Off
Wild tames the wildest trails but always feels alive, energetic, and involving rather than the detached, numb ride of many e-bikes. Wild is first and foremost a fantastic enduro bike, and the frame rigidity, lighter weight, supportive suspension, and e-evolved geometry reflect that, putting you in complete control of the ride.
$6,999.00 $10,172.00 31% Off
Wild tames the wildest trails but always feels alive, energetic, and involving rather than the detached, numb ride of many e-bikes. Wild is first and foremost a fantastic enduro bike, and the frame rigidity, lighter weight, supportive suspension, and e-evolved geometry reflect that, putting you in complete control of the ride.
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